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  A fresh installation

  • Download the kOOL source code and unpack it. The source folder "src" does not have to be publicly accesible.
  • Call composer update --no-dev in your source folder to get all composer packages
  • Create a new folder "web" for your webroot and configure apache to serve this folder under the desired URL.
  • Copy src/install/kOOL_setup.sh into your "web" folder and edit the file. Change kOOL_LIB_PATH to point to your src folder and WWW_GROUP to be set to the group your webserver runs as.
  • Now call kOOL_setup.sh to create the folder structure. You may now delete kOOL_setup.sh.
  • Create an empty file web/install/ENABLE_INSTALL (use touch)
  • Open the URL in your browser: your.kool.server/install and follow the instructions
  • Create a new cronjob calling web/scheduler.php every 5 minutes




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